About Deborah Kagan
Ask me what I am passionate about and I will tell you “everything.” Prod me a little bit more and you’ll discover a woman with a love of life experiences and an interest in self-knowledge, awareness, discovery, and transformation.
I have always been a teacher at heart, maintaining an interest in learning about the world, and then sharing it with everyone I meet. Starting in grade school and continuing through summer camp all the way up to college, I was the go-to educator on topics such as sex, boys, meta-physics and even tricks to make using a tampon easy.

After 12 years of helping people improve the quality of their lives through external changes in their environment, I acted on my belief that security comes from NOT playing it safe and decided to change directions to help people improve their lives by turning inward. I remained committed to a bold vision of shaking things up, and the belief that learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable helps us grow and evolve.
It felt almost fated that the name Sacred Interiors, intended originally to create a healing space inside one’s home, transitioned and became used to help women find a healing space quite literally within themselves; through their bodies, minds, and souls.

I know of what I speak. After the end of a marriage in 2003, years of “soul-numbing sex”, and a lifetime of intense experiences with men, teachers, and traveling around the globe, I was determined to find something else within to make me feel alive. I turned inward, embarking on a self-induced year of celibacy during which I was able to uncover my mental blocks regarding sexuality and spiritual connection, specifically that I needed another person to help me feel what I like to call “mojolicious.”
My big moment of revelation came in April 2008 while standing in New Orleans at Eve Ensler’s V to the 10th celebration. It was there, amongst a crowd of 30,000 women and men, in celebration of all that is feminine, I realized my mission was to take my experiences and use them to help the women of the world: Women who’ve been rejected, who’ve divorced themselves from their bodies and their sexuality. Women who have “closed-up shop” and have been afraid to open those doors within and live fully.
From this inward journey and my history of introducing women to the tools of self- realization, I gained the clarity and ovum to build the Rock Your Mojo brand at the end of 2008.
Cue the birth of The Real Undressed podcast.
The Rock Your Mojo brand is pivoting to reflect my mission and movement to help women AND MEN live more authentic lives, be free, and in touch with their most undressed selves.
Are you with me?
Big love,