
292.Renee Bauer: Empowering Women to Speak Up, Be Heard + Let Go of Shame and Guilt

Join us as we dive into a fascinating conversation with divorce attorney and author, Renee Bauer. She shares her insights and experiences in the legal field, emphasizing the importance of recognizing red flags in relationships and taking action. Renee addresses the issues of shame, guilt, and people-pleasing, urging women to speak up and let go of the fear of judgment. Discover her passion for tarot card reading and her role in co-founding the Tarot Bridge platform. Explore the significance of self-care, finding balance, and saying no to things that don’t bring joy. Renee also delves into her beliefs about money and its connection to spirituality and energy. Lastly, she reveals surprising turn-ons and her love for water’s meditative power.

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