Dr. Hepsherat Amadi is a native of New York, who graduated from Bronx H.S. of Science in 1974, Harvard U. in 1979, S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook Medical School in 1987 and Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Family Practice Residency in 1990. She moved to South Florida in 1990, graduated from the Community School of Traditional Chinese Health Care in 1998 and I was the visiting medical doctor for the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach during 1995-1998. Since May of 2001, she has been in solo practice in wholistic medicine in Coral Springs, FL. primarily doing quantum biofeedback assessment and treatment (a form of energy medicine), lifestyle and nutritional counseling, along with homeopathic, herbal and nutritional supplements and remedies. She is married with three children.
In this episode we speak about everything from:
~ what quantum biofeedback actually is and how it can change your health and well being for the better (p.s. shamans know this and have used this ‘technology’ for many years)
~ improving your health EVEN when you are well (this is game changing)
~ How the food you eat affects your hormones (and yes, that’s for women AND men)
~ What peri andropause is and why it’s important to know (ladies, this will help you and your guys)
~ the connection between digestion (um, hello poop) and your hormone balance
~ the real root of physical issues and the keys you need to pay attention to in order to support your healing
~ and much more!
Connect with Dr. Hepsherat Amadi
Website | http://www.greatnaturaldoctor.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/doctoramadi
Facebook | http://www.facebook.com/DrHepsharatAmadi
LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/hepsharat-amadi-01159125
Turn your fear into Faith.
Your Stress into Serenity.
Your Anxiety into Assurance.
Your Misfortune into Mojo.
Connect with Deborah
Website | https://therealundressed.com/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/therealundressed/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/mojorecoveryspecialist/
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