It’s Truth + Tequila Tuesday!
I’m sipping on some very fine tequila…
AND this week going to drop some truth that popped up as a theme this week in the open mentoring call I host, Mojo Monday Happy Hour. If you’re not on that list….ummmmm, hellooooo. Please get yourself on it ASAP because I’d LOVE to meet you and support you rockin’ your mojo. Complimentary access is yours – all linked below.
Now, we all know it’s been a weird ass time for months and it’s not letting up in the foreseeable future. The interesting thing is most everyone is experiencing more of themselves—consciously or not.
And this is leading to new thoughts. New revelations. New understandings of self. AND that has led to reconsidering who you want to actually spend time with…AND what conversations you want to be engaged in.
The fact of the matter is: when you connect to a deeper level of yourself and therefore, your Mojo—there will most likely be some people that will begin to phase out of your life. Could be your conscious choice. Could be a natural fade out. Could be a process that requires conversation.
During the Mojo Monday Happy Hour, every woman had a version of inquiry about how to handle these shifts around people in their lives that they are not interested in spending as much (or any) time with anymore.
I think it’s important to remember that people come into our lives for a season, a reason or a lifetime. A handful for all of those.
Bottom line is to consider who you want to BE.
Not what you think you need to DO.
Who do you want to BE in this new phase of You?
Do you want to lead with compassion? Love? Kindness? Power? Clarity?
Once you’re clear about BEING – the rest comes naturally.
Your BE will dictate HOW you end up DOING things.
And with that formula, it’s easier to create your friendships and relationships with integrity and grace. Even when you are choosing to fade out of one.
We’ll get back to the Q&A style of these Truth and Tequila episodes shortly…to have your question considered for an upcoming Truth + Tequila episode,
Go to therealundressed.com
And click submit your Q on the Truth + Tequila image.
The Real Undressed is here to inspire you to get free…in whatever way, shape or form that takes.
If you’re digging the podcast, please take 60 seconds and subscribe on Spotify or Apple and leave a 5 star rating. And if you really want to let your mojo shine, leave a review. They make the world of difference in helping this show grow and reach the people who need it most.
As always, thanks for getting undressed with me.
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Complimentary access to Mojo Monday Happy Hour here: