It’s Truth + Tequila Tuesday!
This week’s question: where are you judging? Really consider and look at this question. Truthfully, we all judge at certain times and moments, I mean, it’s part of being human, but really look at when it comes to you and other women, where are the judgments, where are jealousies that are coming out sideways, which maybe come out as a judgment or an unconscious urge to gossip about someone. And I don’t mean gossip as in a way of, oh, did you hear XYZ is going on with this person, like a news update. I mean like gossip as in to tear somebody down gossiping.
And I think it is very critical to pay attention and notice if the judgement shows up as inner dialogue or actual dialogue you’re having with other people. And I think it’s equally critical, particularly right now since I’ve got caught wind, that there’s this spike in women tearing down other women – because We don’t have time for that. Right. We just don’t have time for that.
And hey, if you haven’t seen it, great. I’m so happy that it’s not part of your purview. And yet it is happening. There’s a there’s a wave of it occurring. I’ve seen it mostly on social media, which is, you know, there’s a breeding ground for everything on social media.
So the #mojotruth for today boils down to this: be considerate and kind to yourself. from that space, you’ll have a reservoir of kindness towards others.
When I speak about not denigrating or gossiping or speaking poorly of other women, I’m not suggesting it’s about liking or agreeing with everybody. What it’s about is leading your life with your mojo, which includes kindness and compassion and recognizing that we’re all in this together. We don’t have to believe the same things, or do the same things or wear the same things. Right. You can be like, wow, that is so not a thing that I would ever wear or that is not a person I would ever necessarily hang out with. And I wish you well.
I hope this #mojotruth stirs something in you. It really does come back to one of the main mojo principles which is: who are you BEING. And, who are you going to be about it even when you are in the face of, most especially when you are in the face of something that is either controversial or upsetting to you or the opposite of the way that either you think or like to live. Who are you going to BE about it in those moments.
One of my spiritual teachers, Ram Das said something that gets reposted a lot and is relevant to todays’ #mojotruth, which is this: we’re all just walking each other home. And truly, We’re all just walking each other home – let’s walk together with more kindness and love.
Remember, to have your question considered for an upcoming Truth + Tequila episode,
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