
Embrace Your Shadow Side

It’s Truth + Tequila Tuesday!
This week’s questions comes from Sarah and she says:
Every year for my job I have to take risk training on suicide and sexual assault. It’s a requirement. We have a deadline to complete the tests. And today I just did training on suicide. The same thing happens to me each year. I start to get really tired and a feeling of exhaustion comes over me. I start to think about errands I could do on the way home and that I probably should do those if I could only take the test tomorrow. My stomach hurts and I get a really painful sensation throughout my body that’s very, very uncomfortable. I don’t like any of these feelings. Is there a way I can just detatch from them so I can get through taking these tests? Help!

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Eve Agee: Dancing with the Shadow + Feminine Leadership

Eve Agee is an Anthropologist, women’s empowerment expert, Bestselling Author and Founder of the Transform Coaching Academy. A coach and healer for over 20 years, she has trained people from every continent to be successful coaches and embody their feminine leadership. Her work has been featured on NBC, BBC, ABC and NPR and her Transform Coaching Academy has been ranked as one of the top coach training programs in the world. She has also worked for the White House, training in Shamanism, conducted research in West Africa and taught at the University of Virginia.

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Exploring Your Shadow Side

It’s Truth + Tequila Tuesday!
This week’s questions comes from Sarah and she says:
Every year for my job I have to take risk training on suicide and sexual assault. It’s a requirement. The same thing happens to me each year. I start to get really tired and a feeling of exhaustion comes over me…My stomach hurts and I get a really painful sensation throughout my body that’s very, very uncomfortable. I don’t like any of these feelings. Is there a way I can just detatch from them so I can get through taking these tests? Help!

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