271.Big Announcement!

Today we’re going to talk about something near and dear, something critically important for your success and fulfillment, something I’ve been waiting quite a while – like nearly a decade – to be able to share with you.

It’s pretty MAJOR in fact.

And it’s literally something that can change your life.

It’s my book – UNDRESSED: An Invitation to Claim Your Erotic Nature!!!

It was picked up by Urano World USA last year and now after months of putting words to the page, molding it, shaping it, and creating it to be a book you’ll want to have for years and years, well, it’s  now available for pre-order!!!!

In my brand new book UNDRESSED, I give you the keys, lived experiences, and practices to be a self-possessed, turned ON, erotically alive woman.

This book is a journey to rip the bandage off the shame of being a turned-on woman

You’ll learn how to ride through the seven power centers of the body to harness your erotic nature for true self-expression and embodied confidence

You’ll accept that you can be a woman who is unafraid to live out loud

Most importantly, you’ll harness your Mojo to be a turned-on woman, self-possessed, and become erotically alive.

And when you claim your erotic nature, you give off a magnetic energy.

UNDRESSED is an energetic transmission for confidently claiming your erotic nature.

In the book, you’ll learn:

– the erotic principles of each of your seven power centers

– the at home practices to embrace and own your spiritual and sexual self

– the simple words to fall deeply in love with yourself

– how connecting your spirit and your sex opens you to the life you’ve always dreamed about

– the time tested rituals to elevate your frequency for living with inspiration and enthusiasm

When you accept that you have an innate erotic nature, it changes everything.

You’ll trust that it’s safe to be vibrantly alive and no longer fear missing out on desires.

You’ll tap into unrivaled joy and pleasure.

This way of being will become the norm for you, and you’ll think you are possessed with magic when things, people, and experiences effortlessly show up to your life.

And you’ll know without a shadow of a doubt, that your erotic nature is yours.

And no one can take it away.

Here’s my request:

Pre order my book right now.

Seriously, pause the episode and go to https://undressedbook.com/podcast

When you preorder the book, I’m gifting you with three bonuses valued at $600! Why would I do this?

A couple reasons:

1.  I love making things as potent as possible for you. These bonuses elevate and enhance your experience with the book

2.  A way of saying THANK YOU for pre ordering your copy

Preorders can make or break the life of a book. For real.

And I have an audacious goal for the pre orders….I’m hoping you’ll help me.

The game I’m playing is to sell out the first print run of the book during this pre order phase. Yeah. It’s a ballsy game. And I know we can get there with your support. SO, pause now to pre order your copy—or get multiple copies!

THEN, share the link, https://undressedbook.com/podcast with TEN women. Let them know you got your copy and you recommend they do too. Share it with the men in your world to get a copy for the women they love! Heck, share it with any and all people who are on the path of seeing this world full of lit up, juicy, and erotically alive humans.

You’re here, listening to The Real Undressed, which means you’re going to love the book. It truly is an entertaining, powerful, and transformative experience.

For all the details and to get your copy now, go to: 


OK… Advance thanks for helping me reach the goal – you’re the best! And super excited for you to get your copy plus the extra bonuses.

Thanks for tuning in, taking yourself and your mojo seriously. The world needs it! Share this episode with someone you love – support them to claim their erotic nature, you know they’ll thank you for it.

Tune in on Friday, for a full episode where I’m in conversation with Dr. Lisa Valle, board certified obstetrician/gynocologist who solely focuses on caring for women with female sexual concerns. You don’t want to miss it.

As always, thanks for getting undressed with me.

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      © 2021 Deborah Kagan